DumpStats voor Steve Sweet

514 +554 -40


#46121 (Top 16.8716%)

Kudos/dag 0.08
Kudos/reaguursel 10.28
Meeste kudos op 1 reaguursel 61
Minste kudos op 1 reaguursel -10



Reaguursels/dag 0.01
Topreaguursels 0
Woorden per reaguursel 19.2
Reacties per reaguursel 0.38
Meeste reaguursels op 1 dag 3
Aantal x weggejorist 4
Gestart op 25-12-2006

Kudoverloop over tijd

-9 kudos 2018-08-30 19:54:28 op Op verzoek

-5 kudos 2018-04-27 09:37:22 op Nachtkanonnen 55
Siliconen kan best wel ok zijn, maar dit is gewoon te veel en mislukt.

-1 kudos 2022-01-08 09:54:27 op En zo is het
Kunnen we niet meer sociale huurwoningen bouwen? Nederland is niet vol. We hebben teveel huisjesmelkers en zakenmannen die liever meer geld willen verdienen door duurdere appartmenten te bouwen, dan woningen voor de onderkant van de bevolking te bouwen.

-1 kudos 2022-02-04 17:38:50 op Of je worst lust
Lucas Mountain - I can see it in your eyes

-1 kudos 2008-10-11 11:22:12 op Britney Spears NAAKT
met een pruik en 20 lagen make-up ziet iedereen er acceptabel uit.

britney spears naakt -1

0 kudos 2006-12-25 23:58:26 op James Brown is dead
Weesel van Diepen..genious.. LA Style, nakatomi, vengaboys... waren toch wel dance krakers van toen.

0 kudos 2008-08-08 10:07:21 op Dumpert Zen Moment II
Heerlijk, en ze is niet zo graat mager als andere wannabe modelletjes. Heidi +2.

0 kudos 2008-10-12 17:37:44 op No Fucking Problem!
3747 12-10-08 @ 16:42

hahaha - achja. niet iedereen kan dit stukje geweldige humor waarderen. Maar ik wel Fur TV +1

0 kudos 2008-10-12 17:38:46 op No Fucking Problem!
"Are you sure what you're doing? Don't worry - I'm an expert" hahahha +1

1 kudos 2022-04-01 14:31:00 op Geyle drop

3 kudos 2023-06-21 23:36:48 op De kapitein is er klaar mee
Erg fijne mooie dames. En absoluut niet dik bij mijn definitie. Meer van dit!

3 kudos 2017-11-13 19:32:22 op Mijn OCD is zo happy nu
Het is niet de radio. DTSC is aan, Volvo’s stabiliteitsmodus.

12 kudos 2021-02-18 14:51:49 op Juf mag ik nablijven?
Furthermore, a legal advisor stated in the articles that according to the law, this is not sufficient for the school to fire me. The school itself made also very clear that I've always acted professionally and did a good job as a teacher. Some students contacted me afterwards and expressed their regrets for what happened and that I had done a good job as a teacher, which I very much appreciated.
Some articles, on the other hand, mention things that are utterly untrue, such as that the students might have seen my 'artist name' on my phone. I didn't use my phone in class as this goes against the school guidelines. I noticed that the articles have also been taken over by the foreign press, such as the Netherlands and even Turkey by now, so I fear that the story will undergo many more changes that are just pertinent lies. Yet,there is not much I can do about it, though I hate it when people turn and twist facts.

All by all, I'm doing well considering how things exploded. It have been some crazy days though and I'll need some time to process everything. But I already want to express my gratitude to everyone who showed his/her support. This means a lot to me and it shows that society is becoming more progressive towards the expression and acceptance of sexuality and everything related. Nevertheless, we still have some work to do on that front. So I will just keep going on.

Thanks for your support.

15 kudos 2023-11-03 08:31:06 op Gevonden!
Ik dacht die Bram was een typetje

21 kudos 2021-02-18 14:50:32 op Juf mag ik nablijven?
Sorry for being MIA these past two days. A lot has happened in my personal life.
This story is too long for one message, so I'll just do it in 2 parts.

For those of you who don't know, I was temporarily working at a school, while at the same time doing my internship there, in order to finish my master's degree. I'm not exactly sure how, but some students found out about my OF and their parents immediately contacted 4 different newspapers. The press then contacted the school and in mutual agreement, we decided I shouldn't do my internship there anymore. Not that the school had any saying in that, with the parents already having cornered them like this. The parents' decision to contact the press instead of having a private discussion with the school and me first, is something I wholeheartedly condemn. Social media,the press and the internet in general are no place to solve discussions and personal situations.
Anyway, in several newspapers all over Belgium articles got published, with little respect for my privacy. In order to maintain the situation and have my own say in this discussion, I put out the statement that we live in the 21st century and not in the Victorian age anymore. Sex and porn should no longer be taboo. We all do it, we all watch it and we all enjoy it. But we just can't acknowledge this and talk about it.I put out the statement that we live in the 21st century and not in the Victorian age anymore. Sex and porn should no longer be taboo.

22 kudos 2016-12-08 14:23:13 op Nu even op standje maximaal
Deze muziek is een prachtig Nederlands export product. Daar moeten we trots op zijn. Berend +1

29 kudos 2017-02-10 12:57:33 op Peterrrr LIEGT over Dumpert bij Jinek
Ik weet het niet hoor. Dumpert heeft ook een beetje 'n pirate bay mentaliteit. Als er iemand te shamen valt dan doen ze dat ook, en moet je hele advokatenteams erop afsturen voordat ze een filmpje eraf halen.

46 kudos 2022-11-18 08:21:25 op Familie van Verstappen bedreigd
En maar zeuren dat mensen niet het volledige beeld hebben, maar daar is hij zelf verantwoordelijk voor. Kom maar op met die context dan Max. Zo niet, dan blijft het beeld bestaan dat het een arrogante en egoistische actie was. En terecht.